Injection Molding
Years of Knowledge and Experience at your Service!

What is Injection Molding?
Plastic injection molding is a manufacturing process where resin in a barrel is heated to a molten state, then shot into a mold to form a part in the shape of the mold. The resin begins as plastic pellets, which are gravity fed into the injection molding machine through a funnel-shaped hopper. The pellets are fed from the hopper into a heated chamber called the barrel where they are melted, compressed, and injected into the mold’s runner system by a reciprocating screw.
As the granules are slowly moved forward by a screw-type plunger, the melted plastic is forced through a nozzle that seats against the mold sprue bushing, allowing it to enter the mold cavity through a gate and runner system. The injection molded part remains at a set temperature so the plastic can solidify almost as soon as the mold is filled.
The part cools and hardens to the shape of the mold cavity. Then the two halves of the mold (cavity or “A” side and core or “B” side) open up and ejector pins push the part out of the mold where it falls into a bin. Then the mold halves close back together and the process begins again for the next part.
Injection Molding Basics
The actual process of plastic molding is just an expansion of this basic process. The plastic goes into a barrel or chamber by gravity or is force-fed. As it moves down, the increasing temperature melts the plastic. Then, the molten plastic is forcibly injected into the mold under the barrel with an appropriate shape. As the plastic cools, it solidifies. The plastic molded like this has a reverse shape of that of the mold. A variety of shapes can be produced by the process. The process of plastic molding is cheap due to the simplicity involved and the quality of the plastic material is modifiable by changing the factors involved in the custom injection molding basics process.

Scientific Molding
We utilize statistical analysis to drive process improvements. Stable processes allow for less variance and lower scrap rates. Taking a scientific approach ensures that your parts are done right the first time.
Scientific molding helps identify issues to produce a world-class part. Identifying weaknesses helps us to create reliability & repeatability.
Scientific molding helps us know we’re running a good part before the press even starts running.